The excitement is hindered by Emily's constant nausea. She throws up almost every morning, and night. We just drove down to Arkansas for a wedding, and as long as she is driving, she does okay in the car. We had to step out of the wedding for her to vomit, and then again at the reception. But, she is a hell of a trooper, she vomits and keeps on trucking. If I have a head ache, I am down for a week crying and asking for Chicken Noodle Soup. Emily just vomits and rolls on.
Wednesday marks the beginning of the 2nd trimester, and we are hoping that things will get better for her. Her Mom was sick all 9 months, for all 3 kids.
The office is 90% cleared out, just waiting for AT &T to move the phone line into the lounge, and once that is completed, we are moving one of the guest rooms into the office and the nursery will be open for business (meaning you can start sending lots and lots of gifts)
The cyst is holding on just fine, no problems with that, we will go back to the doctor in a few weeks to see if the cyst has gone down, and get to see JET Jr move around again.
For me, it is beginning to get more real every day. And I think once we get the nursery emptied out with a crib, it will sink in even more.
Keep on Keeping on.....