Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Find out the sex Thursday

Step right up and cast your vote for the sex of JET Jr. We go to the Dr. Thursday to find out what little JET Jr is packing: or not packing. (and yes, we will be happy with a healthy baby...just having some fun....) The poll is to your right. ----------------------->

The New Guest Bedroom/old Office is now complete and the Nursery/Old Guest Bedroom is now sitting empty waiting for the baby furniture to arrive. After Thursday we will settle in on a nursery theme and begin the painting process.

Emily is on day 3 of not puking: fingers crossed that this trend continues. It is becoming old hat for her now. It is almost like getting a drink of water, instead she pukes, and just keeps right on trucking. She is finally starting to show a little bit, we are both anxious for her to show more so we can park in the "Expecting Mothers" parking spots.

As for me, excitement just continues to mount. I getting real excited about getting the nursery ready. We just purchased a new camera (a Sony a330 DSLR, for those who care to check it out) so we can capture all of JET Jr's proudest moments! Including, but not limited to: Crawling, speaking his/her first words (Dadda) Playing his/her first game of Madden. His/her first touch down signal, kicking his/her first soccer ball, attending his/her first Chiefs game, his/her first triple back flip into the deep end: you know, the standard baby stuff.

In the mean time: Don't forget to vote and keep on keeping on!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Cyst update

We went to the doctor Nov 2 to check up on the cyst. The great news is that it has shrunk by half! We were both very relieved to see that it is has gone down naturally.
JET Jr is heathy, all 10 fingers and toes, and everything is developing right on track. Emily goes through her "sick" stages. She will have a few days of feeling normal, and then BAM, back to puking. She rotates from morning sickness to night sickness, there doesn't seem to be any reason for the timing of sickness. It comes on quick: she eats something, drinks some water and then she is back to normal.
She is still not showing much of a "baby bump." We are both ready for that. It makes it easier to explain why she is puking in the middle of the day. We went down to a wedding in Bentonville, Arkansas a few weeks back. On Friday most of us went out and stayed out late, and quite a few of us where hurting by wedding time. Poor Emily has to step out of the wedding in the middle to go throw up, and since she doesn't look pregnant, I am sure people just assumed she was hung over.
Thanks for reading the update....keep on keeping on.