Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Harrison is 1.

The last time wrote on here was when Jackson turned 2, and 6 months later Harrison is turning 1. Man time does fly when your having fun.

As I reflect on the past year of our lives a giant smile comes across my face. I can't help thinking about how great life is, it really and truly is. Don't get me wrong, 2 kids 18 months apart has been very tough and challenging at times. Emily is a Saint...I will repeat that..Emily is a Saint. During soccer season I am gone every night, and Emily gets both kids feed and bathed and one down before I get home, many nights she puts them both to bed and still greets me with a smile and a kiss when I get home. Now that season is over, we can both catch our breathe and remind ourselves how great life is.

Harrison has been walking for the past 2 weeks, eating food, almost weened off the bottle, progressing quite normally at this point. He is a big Daddy's boy, and looks just like me as a baby. His hair is starting to curl in the back just like mine did.

I am hoping he will get Momma's skin and not mine. ha. Just like Jackson, he is a super happy baby, unless he is not by my side when I am around. As long as he can see me, he is fine, he cries when I leave the room. I do relish the time we have together, with both boys, I know this stage will soon be gone and they will be out with their friends doing their own thing.

Jackson still does not like Harrison, but Harrison LOVES his big brother. At this point, Jackson just tolerates him from a distance, When Harrison gets too close, he screams. There is less hitting and dive bombing, which has been nice. We still can't leave them alone for more than a few seconds because there is a good chance whatever toy Harrison is playing with will be stolen and then have it whacked upside his head. No major injuries by Jackson...yet.

I have found one of the biggest challenges is to spend enough time with both boys. They both get jealous of each other so it is a constant juggling act. Harrison wants every toy Jackson plays with and Jackson does not want Harrison to play with any toys.

The first year we really took both boys every where, but lately we have been able to spend one-on-time with each of the boys, which has been really cool. Jackson is loving bike rides with Daddy, dance time with Mommy and Harrison just loves everything.

Jackson's speech is getting much better, Emily has been  putting a lot of effort in on this front. He has speech 3 days a week. Our goal is to have him back 100% on track by kindergarten. He has made HUGE strides over the past month. It has been really neat to watch him progress. Right now, he is about a year behind where he should be for speech, but he is working hard.
It seems that every stage he enters, that becomes my favorite stage so far. I remember him walking and thinking how cool that was and THIS is my favorite stage. But now, with him talking more, cuddling, having his own personality, I think THIS is my favorite stage. I have to assume I will look up one day as he is a punk ass teenager and think: you know, that WAS my favorite stage.

That's the quick update: Life is great, Boys are great, Emily is amazing. At this point in my life, I am super happy, and I am blessed beyond belief to have this overwhelming since of happiness, because I know there are lots of people and families who can't say the same. I have to remind myself to keep on keeping on and don't take anything for granted. Life is Good..Life is Good

Monday, November 11, 2013