Monday, March 9, 2009

Noodle goes to Puerto Vallarta

Hello all, this is Noodle. I recently took my first international trip to Puerto Vallarta for Brandon & Cassie's wedding. JET will post more wedding pictures later this week, but for now, here is my trip.

I was excited about seeing Bear, we had not hung out since New Year's. Bear, as most of you remember, saved my life in Arkansas. JET and EM forgot me in Arkansas and Bear and Amy brought me back home. I lived with them for a few months and Bear taught me to golf, and found me a wife...Chick. So, the Chick and Noodle team was formed.

This was the frist time away from Chick for a long long time, but I was ready. Chick was supposed to go to Springfield, MO for the girls weekend, but once again, she was left behind (I don't think that EM likes Chick, she is jealous of her hair).
All the pictures can be clicked on to see a larger me!

Here I am packing my bags.

All buckled in and ready for the trip.

I ran ahead to ring the door bell while JET grabbed the bags

This is Bear's seeing me through the peep hole


He was so excited to see me!

Trying to get some sleep for our 5:00 am flight

Can't really read the clock, but it is 3:15 am

Eating some breakfast in Atlanta.

JET and I in the Puerto Vallarta airport

Here I am getting ready to shower up for the night

Asking for a towel

I had a little too much to drink, I threw up off the balcony

Back in the room, throwing up some more

Bear and I spooning, not sure how this happened

JET & I on the beach

Me & Ol Boy just chilling

JET & I again

Me with Brandon's Family. There are very nice people

Mackenzie, JET & I waiting for our cab to the airport

Have to stop and smell the flowers

I had a wonderful trip and can not wait to go to Riveria Maya with JET & EM this summer! Hopefully Chick can come with me.


Moksha Gren said...

It's nice to hear you had a good time, Noodle. But I have to say th epictures disturbed me a little. Not your fault, really...I just saw Watchmen over the weekend, so the sight of blue noodles still makes me cringe a bit ;)

Prairie Life Personal Trainers said...

That's awesome! Just sent you a workout

Anonymous said...

Love PV!!!!!!