Monday, May 4, 2009

updating continues

Over the past month, the Tyler pad has gotten some major upgrading! The previous owners loved country blue and plants. We, hate country blue and plants are nice, but way too much maintence and if you know us, we are maintence free types of people! We, mainly Emily, has spend much of the past year pulling out over grown plants and bushes that they just let ride, she has worked very hard in the yard to get it up to speed.
The siding is a bluish grey color, but with the old blue shudders, and black front door, it made the house look very blue. We didn't want to replace all the sidding now (we are in a recession), so we decided to try to change the shudders to black, and paint the front door and mailbox black to give the house more of a grey look. And, as great of bargin shoppers Em and I are, we found custom shudders at Home Depot that someone had ordered, and never picked up, so they were marked down 75% and they just happen to be the size we needed!
We tore up the plants, (and by we I mean hired it out) and mulch, had to rebuild the wall since it was falling over, planeted new bushes and threw down rock. We are very happy with the result. 

Here is a before picture of the house. It is hard to see the blue with the big tree that was full of ants and bees right in front of our house. 



Here are some pictures during the landscaping construction:




keep on keeping on!

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