Wednesday, February 11, 2009


So, I sit in my office for yet another restless night of sleep. I have this issue that I can not shut my brain down at night. I used to drink enough to be able to sleep like a baby, but at the pressure of my wife (and she is right)I have cut down to a mere 2 drinks.

I have just spent the past 2 hours digging through the direct mail, magazines and ads that we get at our household, and then emailing them about advertising, if I can track down an email address, or marking them to be called tomorrow. If I email them, I will follow up tomorrow. It is a nice little system I am getting down. Cold calling sucks, but it seems to be a little easier if I email first and then follow up with a phone call.

For most of my life, if I lie in bed for longer than 30 minutes I get bored and feel like I could be doing something productive, so I get up. If there is something on my mind, I typically can't stop thinking about it, and since I can't drown my thoughts out, I have to do something else to make me tired. Lately, staring at the computer screen for an hour or so seems to wind me down.

The crappy thing is that my alarm will go off at 4:58 am. Yes that is right, 4:58am. For the past 2 months Emily and I have been getting up at 5:00 and heading to the gym 3 or 4 days a week. It was a tough few weeks, but once I got into that routine, I love it. No phone calls, no text, no emails, no one to bother me; it is great. I get a great start to my day and am able to spend the evening with my beautiful wife!

I would say that I have been on a health kick for about a year now. I have lost around 20 pounds and am holding strong. I chunked up a little and one day decided that I am going to get back in shape. I talk to men in their 30's and 40's who are out of shape and 40-50 pounds over weight. they always tell me: "I used to look like you when I was your age." So, my thought process is that if I can keep my eating healthy and exercising a part of my life, when I have kids and life gets crazy, I can keep it up.

I could not have kept up this healthy, exercise lifestyle without the support of Emily. She has been amazing in keeping me motivated. She is up every morning, and eating healthy every meal. We won't say it has been easy, but worth it. We both decided that in order to style healthy and in shape, we must change out live and make it happen. Without Emily, I would be a 12 pack a night drinker who eats pizza every night for dinner.

We have found that eating healthy does not taste bad. Skinny Cow, and Weight Watchers have some amazing ice and chocolate products that full fill our sweet tooth! Also, sugar free chocolate pudding is fantastic. Grab the South Beach bars, they are a Tyler household favorite. It seems that sugar-free, low calorie, healthy has improved drastically over the past few years. It has really made eating healthier easier for us

Part of my weight loss can be caulked up to good genes. Moma T has always been in shape, and to this day she works out 3 days a week, and so was my Pops. Justin and I both have very high metabolisms, Justin's is much better than mine, but I am still pretty lucky in that area.

Good luck to anyone who is trying to loose weight, I know it is not an easy road to travel, but I can say it is worth every donut you do not eat!
I am off to bed so I can wake up in 4 1/2 hours.

Keep on keeping on...mrrrrrrrrrrr.


Ben said...

wow..5am? I could never do that. I suffer with the same ailment; brainchatter..
8:30 earliest I've managed in awhile. :)

Prairie Life Personal Trainers said...

All that talk about health and fitness, and no mention of me? I feel cheated.